Proud and Accomplished

Sometimes life can be a bit overwhelming.  We can get so busy and stressed that we forget to stop and reflect upon what we've accomplished.  Now this may not pertain to all of you, but I know I can definitely relate.  I have a tendency to let stress and anxiety get the best of me, and lately I've been feeling a little I decided to make a post about everything that I've accomplished over the past year.  Just a little reminder that through all of the stress and anxiety I may feel, it's all worth it.  Every second of it.  It just makes me stronger and I am really proud of how much I've grown since last year.

Let's see...

This time last year I was extremely anxious and somewhat depressed.  A lot of it was due to my boyfriend having to go back to school 9 hours away and me just trying to adjust to it.  Gosh I really hated being away from him.  I felt like I couldn't function without him, and stress from school didn't help either.  I remember praying to God to help me overcome my anxiety.  I knew I had to do something...I ended up seeing a psychologist for about 6 weeks and man let me tell decision I ever made!  We should all have personal psychologists I swear.  She really helped me get my life back on track and she helped me find that balance that I was lacking.  That was a really proud time for me and I'm so glad I sought outside help.

I was also really proud of how I did in school.  Back in high school I was a B and C student.  Once in a blue moon I'd get an A in a class.  I kid you not, I got straight A's last fall.  I felt so accomplished and excited!  I remember getting my letter about being on the dean's list and thinking about how all of my hard work paid off.  Not a bad way to start off Junior year.

Christmas break was a blast!  I got to spend so much time with my family and even more time getting to know Justin's better.  I think after Christmas break, I had officially met all of his family members.  I really started feeling comfortable with them and I clearly remember telling my boyfriend, "This was the best Christmas break I've ever had." After that I could definitely picture spending each Christmas with him. :)

Spring semester of school was probably the most difficult semester I've ever had.  It might even be the most stressful four months of my life.  It had its good moments but it sure did have its bad moments too.  Student teaching was an eye opener.  That's when I realized teaching was not for me.  I figured out what makes me happy through, and that's working with children, but I knew that being a teacher was not my calling.  There was a point, about 3 weeks before the semester was over, where I wanted to give up.  I had never had that feeling before or at least been that close to actually doing it.  I was so over school and my crazy student teaching experience.  I just wanted summer to be here and I really wanted my boyfriend to come home.  I honestly don't know how I pulled through but I finished off that semester with straight A's again.  I was really proud and relieved, to say the least!......

After student teaching, I knew early childhood education was not the right career path for me, so I met with an advisor and switched my major.  Right before Senior year, I know.  BUT the major I switched to accepted all of the credits from my previous program so I'm actually graduating earlier than I would have if I were still in the Early Childhood program.  I will graduate in less than 7 months...ahhhhhh!  I can't believe it.  But anywho, that was a big step for me and a IV decision to make, but I'm so glad I did.

Over the summer I went on a couple trips.  I flew to Florida by myself to visit my best friend of 16 years, and although I've flown by myself before, I still get some anxiety getting on a plane.  I'm really proud of myself for going down there and enjoying every moment with my best friend.  I'm so thankful my parents were able to work that out for me!  She is like my sister and I truly don't know what I'd do without her.  I also flew to Chicago with my boyfriend, which was so much fun!  I had never been on a trip with only my boyfriend, so it was a new experience and I seriously can't wait to do it again with him!  Once again, I was definitely anxious getting on that plane, but I overcame it and the flight back home was a breeze.  I always feel myself when I'm with him.  He always knows how to make me laugh and he's mine of my best friends!  Can't wait for our next trip together!  A few weeks after that we went to Nashville for his graduation.  There, we stayed with some of is family and I had a great time!  I was so excited to finally meet the people he had been living with while he was in school down there.  We all had a lot of fun and I look forward to going back someday!  It can be really intimidating meeting the extended family, but they made me feel so comfortable.

Right now I'm continuing to work hard and do my best in school.  Being that it's my last years want to kick ass in my classes.  So far I'm doing well and I hope it continues that way!  I still can't believe I'm a senior in college.  Where does the time go?

All in all, through thick and thin, I have accomplished so much this past year and I'm really proud of that.  I'm going to continue working hard enjoy every moment of these last few months of school.  I feel blessed to have the opportunity to go to college, and I plan on making the best out of these last few months of school!

“You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.”


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