Another Year: 2013

I can't believe New Years is only a few days away.  I feel like I was just celebrating New Years with Justin, Jenn, and Nathan last year!  It's amazing how much can get accomplished in a year.  How much has changed.  How many journeys and obstacles one can go through.

It's been a great year for me personally, and I feel like I accomplished a lot.  At this moment I'm feeling very blessed to be where I am, and extremely thankful to have the people I do in my life.

I could not have gotten through all of ups and downs this year handed me without my friends and family, and especially without Justin.  He is always there for me when I need someone to talk or vent to.  If I was stressed out with schoolwork, he always pushed me to get it done and do my best.  He always knew what to say and encouraged me to give it my all.  I'm so thankful for him and all he does for me.  I feel closer than ever to him especially since his grandfather passed away in November.  Through mourning I saw a different side of him that I had never seen before. I'm grateful to him and his family for letting me share in the rememberence of Papa.  He was such a special person and I'm blessed to have met him. No matter what though, Justin always makes me laugh.  He is so silly and fun to be around, and I can't get enough of it!  He's the goofiest kid I know and I'm so excited to see what 2013 brings for us!  

It's definitely going to be an exciting year being that I graduate college in May!  It's hard to believe I'm almost done with school.  Feels like just yesterday I was moving into my first dorm, so nervous and excited!  It's a little scary graduating though because I know I have to find a job, and in this economy, that's not easy.  I figure I should start applying for jobs while I'm finishing up my last semester of school.  I also need to start studying for my GRE to get into grad school.  There's a lot ahead of me this year but I'm ready for it!

I can't wait to have my own place with Justin though.  I know that wont be for at least another year or two but its fun to think about it!  I love being home with my family, but it will be so nice and refreshing to have my own place and privacy.  Plus I want to get a dog with him!  Anywho I know that will happen in time, I just need to learn to be patient.  Let's  just graduate first (LOL)!  

Gosh I remember being in elementary school thinking about college, and dreaming about being done with school.  It's still hard to believe that graduation is so close!  Although I would like to go to grad school, to think I'm almost done with school forever is INSANE!

I feel like this post is kind of all over the place, but I just want to say thank you to everyone who believed in me and continues to support me throughout school.  Like I said before, it's been a great year and I've grown as a person.  I appreciate all of the support and love from my friends and family. You guys are my everything and I love you! Justin, you are my rock and I don't know what I'd do without you.  I'm so excited to spend another New Years with you and to see where we will be a year from now!  I love you more and more each day.  :) 



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