I Did It!

I've blogged a little bit about my struggles with anxiety and depression but I'm so happy to say that those struggles are in my past.  It's been a long time coming, and I am so happy to say that I am almost completely off of my medicine!  

I experienced depression for the first time after my Grandma died when I was a Senior in High School.  From that point on, I struggled with it off and on.  Depression runs in my family and goes back to my Great Grandmother, who dealt with depression and ultimately took her own life.  Her son, my Grandfather, chose the same path after years of depression.  It kind of seemed inevitable that I would struggle with it too.  My depression never got to that point where I thought about taking drastic measures, but it definitely affected my life.  

I started dealing with depression again during a break up, and I knew I needed to seek help.  I just needed to talk to someone who wasn't biased in their opinion.  Best decision I ever made!  After talking to a professional, I eventually started taking Zoloft to help my get back to my old self.  Don't get me wrong, taking Zoloft really helped me and got me feeling happy again, but it wasn't always easy...

Anxiety and depression go hand in hand.  Although my depression seemed to cease, I still struggled with anxiety and an occasional panic attack.  After seeking help from a Psychologist, I learned wonderful techniques to help me deal with my anxieties.  Whenever I feel anxious I do something to take my mind off of those anxieties, such as sketch, play my guitar or piano and sing, blog, or listen to music.  Sometimes I even watch a movie or work out.  I've learned that keeping my mind busy is the best thing I can do.  

Now that I have graduated from college, I knew it was time to taper off of Zoloft.  Stopping it cold turkey is dangerous due to the withdrawal symptoms.  It can cause you to have extreme highs and lows, that can ultimately cause suicidal thoughts (ALWAYS consult your doctor before you decide to taper off of any anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication).  For the past 5 weeks I have been tapering off of my medication and I feel GREAT!  After being on Zoloft for 3 years, I can't begin to tell you how amazing it feels to not need it anymore!  
In about 2 weeks I will be completely off of it and I'm thrilled!  

My withdrawal symptoms haven't been bad at all.  I've gotten a headache here and there, but barely any anxiety.  I think having a new job has really helped me keep my mind busy.  Also, having graduated form college makes me feel very accomplished.  I just knew that this was the perfect time to taper off and I'm really proud of myself for doing so.

Zoloft helped me tremendously.  It got me back on my feet and I don't regret taking it one bit.  If you feel that you need an extra boost to help you through a depression or help you deal with your anxieties, I recommend finding other ways to deal with feelings if possible.  If you are at your wits end and don't know what else to do, then I say talk to your doctor about starting a medication.  Don't be afraid.  You deserve to be happy.  You'd be surprised how many people struggle with depression or anxiety.  You'd be even more surprised with how many people take medication to help them.

Some people might keep this type of personal information to themselves, but I want to share my story and my struggles in hope that it may help someone else who is dealing with depression or anxiety.  You're not alone!  Life is filled with trials and tribulations, but they only make you stronger.  Everything I've dealt with over the past 4 years has made me who I am today.  

"Tough times never last, but tough people do."


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