Seeing isn't believing. Believing is seeing.
Gosh It's hard to find time to just sit down and blog my life away. I wish I had more of it! I figure I have some time to kill this weekend though and I have something cool to share...
Okay so call me crazy or what you want but I think I can...predict the future.
I'm sure your thinking, "this girl is off her rocker," but I'm serious. I guess it's hard to understand if you haven't experienced it. Reason why I'm even bringing this up is because I had an experience last week that was amazing. Want to hear it? Okay here I go..
So last Thursday I had a dream about befriending this teenage guy. He was not only deaf, but he was blind too. It felt so real and I remember thinking, "wow this is an amazing experience!" In my dream the only way I could communicate with him was by taking his hand and doing sign language in his palm so he could feel my hand and figure out what sign I was doing. I guess I have a special place in my heart for those with disabilities so this dream really put a smile on my face. Anywho, so I woke up the next morning and told my mom about it not thinking anything of it other than it was just a dream.
The next day I was waiting for some friends to meet up with me for dinner when all of the sudden I just happened to look to my right and couldn't believe my eyes! I noticed there was a guy probably around 20 years old who was deaf. I knew this because I could see him doing sign language to the women he was with. I didn't think too much of it, until I realized he was blind as well! I saw that he had a walking stick and his eyes were closed. But this was when I had my 'ah ha' moment...the lady he was with took his palm and signed in it for him to feel and interpret. It hit me right then and there. That was my dream. I kid you not, I had the BIGGEST smile on my face (and mind you, I was sitting alone at this point so people probably thought I was really creepy ha) but I couldn't help myself. It was such an amazing experience. I will never forget it.
To you that might seem coincidental but it's not the first time one of my dreams had come true. There have been countless dreams...and I'm not exaggerating.
My mom said this has happened to her and maybe even my sister? But for some reason I'm more intuitive. I think we are all capable of seeing the future, but not everyone knows how to open their mind to it. I find it hard to even comprehend how one, like myself, can see the future before it happens? How the hell is that even possible? It just doesn't seem rational, but maybe there isn't always an answer to everything.
I'm sorry for such a short post but I'll be writing again soon! :) Just thought I'd share that experience with yall.
"Faith consists in believing
when it is beyond the
power of reason to believe."
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