After leaving the bar last night with my girlfriends, I started thinking about all of the "wrongs" that guys think are "right."  Here are a few examples from the night...

Scenario 1

I'm waiting at the bar trying to get a nice drink.  This guy decides to sit right next to me and initiate a conversation.  Mind you, I'm just trying to have a good time with my girlfriends...and I'm in a very happy relationship.  So he starts asking questions about my life and saying how pretty I am blah blah blah...okay that's flattering and all but if I really wanted to chit chat I would have approached you.  Can't a girl grab a drink with her friends WITHOUT being hit on???  I feel like that's mission impossible.  
GUYS NOTE TO SELF:  If a girl is with her friends and has her back towards you, she's not interested and most likely taken!

Scenario 2

So I'm on the dance floor laughing and dancing with my friends, when all of the sudden I felt someone grab my backside.  REALLY?  You have got to be kidding me.  I immediately nudged him on the shoulder and yelled, "NEVER grab my a** again!"  This guy was out of it, let me tell you!  I swear he looked straight through me.  At least have the decency to look me square in the eyes and apologize.  I was so disgusted.  Too bad it didn't end there.  Two guys that I didn't even know insisted that they beat him up.  I told them that was not necessary, but they still pestered me about it.  Finally they got the hint. I can fight my own battles thank you.  
GUYS NOTE TO SELF:  If you plan on groping a girl, you will never get the girl!

Moving on...

Scenario 3

After the bars closed I decided I wanted pizza.  So my girls and I walked over to get a couple slices to go.  After purchasing a hot slice of pepperoni I thought I'd wait for it to cool down and chit chat with my girlfriends.  Did that happen?  NO.  A man with hair longer than mine decided to strike up a conversation.  NOW IS NOT THE TIME.  He insisted on telling me to eat my pizza despite it being scolding hot.  I'm sorry but I want to enjoy my pizza, not burn my tongue off.  I will take a bite when I want to.  Did it stop there?  I wish.  He continued to tell me to eat it and that he eats his pizza when it's scolding hot.  In all honesty buddy, I DON'T CARE!  Leave me be please and thank you.  Oh and before I made it out of the door, he suggests I find him on Facebook.  Lord help me.  
GUYS NOTE TO SELF:  Don't tell a girl to eat her pizza when it's so hot that it will burn her mouth.  No one asked if you do it, nor does anyone care.  

Scenario 4

At the first bar my friends and I went to last night, one of my friends happened to run into a guy that is interested in her.  Cool right?  Wrong.  It had the potential to be cool if he hadn't grabbed her and started whipping her around almost knocking into people around them.  I'm pretty sure he was "dancing" with her but after seeing the expression on her face, I think it's safe to say she is no longer interested.  Not to mention she had a fling with the guy standing next to them.  Awkward.  Oh and to top it all off, those two guys went to high school with each other.  Shall I say it one more time?...Awkward.  Needless to say, we left that bar.
GUYS NOTE TO SELF:  Don't whip a girl around like a rag doll, it's not cute, and pay attention to her facial expressions.   

Scenario 5

I'm sure every girl has been in this know, when a guy comes up behind you or next to you and puts his hands on your hips?  EXCUSE ME, but I don't remember giving you permission to touch me, let alone put your hands on my hips!  I literally can't stand this.  Again, I am in a very happy relationship, so unless you're my boyfriend, please get your hands off of me.  I just wonder what signal goes off in a guy's brain that says, "You should grab her hips!"  
GUYS NOTE TO SELF:  Whatever that signal may be, turn it off.  You can look but you can't touch.

Every time I go out with my girls, it's always an adventure.  A lot can happen in a matter of a few hours.  These were only a few of the many instances where guys simply do the don'ts

Until next time!


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