
Tonight, my family and I went downtown to the warehouse district to eat at Blue Point Grill! It was so good! We wanted to celebrate all of the wonderful things that have happened to us. We are so thankful for everything we've been blessed with. I could not be happier with my nose! I'm so confident now and I can breath so much better!! It's amazing what one little change can do to a person's life. This was one of the best decisions I've ever made* I go back for a check up in one month, so I will make an updated post in my blog then. I'll put up some pics of my nose as well! Hopefully my bruising and swelling will be gone by then. :)


  1. OMG I'm going to have a rhinoplasty and septoplasty tomorrow (tuesday too!!) read your blog makes me feel sooooii much better!!! thanks for share your nice result!!! I loooove your nose!!


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